A Crack in the Moon
Museum of Arts & Sciences / Solo Exhibition / Daytona Beach, Florida
No one behind, no one ahead. The path the ancients cleared has closed. And the other path, everyone’s path, easy and wide, goes nowhere. I am alone and find my way - Dharmakirti
A CRACK IN THE MOON - For this immersive experience I developed the concept based on local indigenous history and created a celebration of humanity's connection to Earth, and Earth's connection to the rest of the surrounding universe. A catalogue was produced with an opening essay, excerpted from "Rebellion" with permission by artist/writer Anja Marais. The installations included multiple media: suspended objects, wall covered photo-murals, a wall covering video projection, and a special event performance, all installed in the Karshan Center at the museum, a salon measuring 14ft x 45ft x 50ft (2022)