Walk-In #88, Suspended Spiral

Arts Warehouse, Delray Beach / Frost Museum at FIU / Artformz Project Room

Enter and experience a magical sensation of floating with your feet on the ground - AS-J

WALK-IN #88, SUSPENDED SPIRAL - immersive installation: allowing for visitors to enter and experience a magical sensation of floating with your feet on the ground. The spiral’s parallel, upward-soaring, suspension ropes have a mysterious way of erasing corners and creating a space without edges or time. Hand-polished, turned aluminum tube, aluminum suspension frame, polypropylene cordage, LED color flood light. 144" x 120" x 84". Here: 3 site-specific installs in chronological order: The Arts Warehouse, at Delray Beach, FL (2020); for Aesthetics & Values, at the Frost Art Museum, Miami (2015); and at Artformz Alternative’s Project Room, Wynwood (2009).


Yellow Sky / Black Water


The Fades